This article tells you how to upload, and edit details. If you're following the instructions and experiencing a problem, please check this page.
Videos are uploaded and edited here.
To edit details, scroll down to the video you want to amend. You can edit the description text, change the video from public to private, (if you have set a private content password), or change 'what's visible' (please only select the correct options).
To upload a new video, scroll to the bottom of the page.
Enter a description (optional but recommended).
Click browse, and select the video on your device.
You may rotate the video, (if it's playing on it's side after upload). THIS OPTION is only available during upload.
Select what's visible in the video.
Click to confirm the video is of yourself,
Click 'upload file'.
DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW or move away from this page until you get a message saying the video is being processed by the server. The upload can take some time, especially if it's a large file and your upload speed is slower. There is no progress bar at the moment (it's on our to do list 😉 ).