You can search for members in any location, but remember the nearby search in the main menu, is the easiest way to find local guys.
Click Search in the main site menu and select either Quick or Power search.
You can limit a search by other criteria too, but for now we're just looking at location.
Click CHOOSE, (on the left, about 3/4 of the way down).
A map window will pop up. There is a box into which you can type your country, city, state, street or postcode. This will show you a list of options which will hopefully, (not all these options are available for all locations), include your location, which you can click on to select. The map will then scroll and zoom with a blue pin showing the location. You can move the pin if you wish to by clicking another point on the map to set your location more or less accurately. You can scroll the map by dragging it around or zoom with either the +(zoom in) and -(zoom out) buttons, or with the usual pinch feature if you're on a mobile device. You can click, zoom and scroll the map at any point. You do not need to enter a text starting location.
The area you are searching will be tinted red on the map. You can make that area larger or smaller by clicking the up and down pointers on the right. If the whole window is tinted red, zoom out (see above).
Once you are happy with the placement of the search area on the map, click the 'select this location' button, on the left.
The map window will close and the location and distance you have selected will appear on the search page.
Click search, bottom left, and you will be shown all the guys in that location, (unless you have excluded them in your preferences).